On Wed, 2020-04-08 at 22:49 +0200, Ángel wrote:
> [External Email]
> On 2020-04-07 at 16:34 -0400, Michael A. Gilchrist via evolution-list
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm trying to migrate to evolution from alpine (pine).  In order to
> > do
> > so, I wanted to import the mail I have currently downloaded
> > locally.
> > However, when I do so either using the Import->File->Mbox or
> > Import->Files->Pine-Importer, the 'read' and 'replied' flags for
> > each
> > message are not included in the imported results.  Does anyone have
> > a
> > suggestion or fix? Or should I be submitting a bug report?
> > 
> > I'm running Evolution from the .deb package versioned
> > Evolution 3.28.5-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
> > 
> > THanks,
> > 
> > Mike
> Hello Mike
> Could you detail which is the format that pine uses? I guess it's
> some
> variant of mbox? It's possible that it uses its own header to store
> those flags. However, it would be feasible to adapt the source file
> so
> that they are detected by evolution.
> Best regards
Hi Angel,

Thanks for your response.  I found the following documentation at 

This header is used to indicated if a message is old. If the header is
absent, then the message is considered new. If the header is present
but it does not have any value at all, again the message is considered
new. If the value of this header contains the letter R, this indicates
that the message has been Read (it really means that Alpine requested
to open that message, not that you actually read it. Alpine can not
know if you read and understood the message. I'm glad that there is no
header for that!), if it contains the letter O, it means that the
message is Old, which means that it was present in that mailbox in a
previous session. Note that when searching for new messages, Alpine
looks for messages without the value of RO in this field (or for
messages without this field). In its default configuration, Alpine
displays in its index as new (which means that a letter N is used to
indicate the status of a message), for messages that do not have a R as
the value of this header...

The value of this field contains information of IMAP flags set on the
message. The possible values are ADFT. If the value of this header
contains the letter A, it means that this message was Answered. The
value D indicates that the message was marked Deleted. The value F is
used to indicate that the message was Flagged... 

It seems like I should be able to tweak these values using sed or the
like into a format interpretable by Evolution.  Any direction on the
changes I need to make would be appreciated.


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