On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 22:34 +0000, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 20:51 +0000, John Murrell wrote:
> On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 19:49 +0000, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> Mbox is for mail. It has nothing to do with calendars. Neither does the
> contacts.db file. A date of 1/1/9999 looks very much like an
> uninitialized field.
> I suggest you save your existing *.ics file(s) somewhere as a backup,
> delete or rename the calendar from within Evolution, then create an
> entirely new calendar (also in Evolution), and import the backup .ics
> file(s). That should at least start things off in a consistent state.
> poc
> I have backed up my calendar.ics file - looking at it with notepad it looks 
> ok no corruption and the edits I made to appointments today are all there.
> I can't delete my calendar file as the command is greyed out. The
> delete contacts command is also greyed out. Not sure why.
> You can always delete it from outside Evolution. Before doing so, stop
> Evo completely, including all associated processes (quit Evo and run
> 'pkill evolution'). Then restart, create a new calendar and import the
> old file.
> NB: I'm just improvising here as personally I use online calendars
> rather than local ones. Perhaps other list members have a better idea.
> poc
I have stumbled on a cure In Evolution Accounts - Address Book Properties On 
this Computer - Personal there is a tickbox Use in Birthdays & Anniversaries 
If I untick this I can now create new entries in the Calendar and the error 
message above no longer appears. 
The birthdays which are in the Contacts book still appear though I have not 
tested if any new entries appear.

Does this give any clue as to what the problem is ?



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