On Wed, 2020-02-12 at 12:12 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> Simply logging out and in again (BTW we
> need a word for "logging out and in again" :-) doesn't seem to do it,
> the reason being that g-k-r is already running. However, if I log
> out, kill g-k-r and log in again, the errors pop up.

as long as log out & log in is involved, I'd say you face a variant of:

That is, the processes being run within a user session should be
stopped once the user session ends, which should be when the user logs
out from the desktop environment. This doesn't always work, about which
the Red Hat bug is.

I also played with this a bit, ended with a script (attached), with
which I first renamed /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon to /usr/bin/gnome-
keyring-daemon.orig, then I placed the attached file to /usr/bin/ and
set executable bits on it (chmod a+x /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon).
Since then, whenever gnome-keyring-daemon is started, it logs about it
into /var/tmp/gcr file. It logs also when the processes is stopped,
being it gracefully.

I see in the log that in my case the gnome-keyring-daemon is started
(probably after I log in to KDE) in a similar way as it is done in
GNOME, but it is immediately stopped too. Then, about 7 seconds later,
it is started as a D-Bus service (different arguments), which might be
in time of running evolution-source-registry, as mentioned earlier in
this thread. This works fine so far.

When I kill the gnome-keyring-deamon now (or better I used --replace
argument), then the libsecret stops working and a mail account I
entered in Evolution after this replace call didn't save its password
and I've been asked for it the next start of the machine.

This is just a bit simpler reproducer than logging out and then in

I had installed:

Using `loginctl list-sessions` and being logged in as a root in a text
terminal I see that there are two sessions, one for the root and one
for the logged used in the KDE desktop. When I log out of the KDE,
there are left both sessions as before and one is added, for user
'sddm'. When I log in as the previous user again the loginctl shows 3
sessions, two for the user I used for KDE login and the one for root. I
definitely should not have running two sessions for my user. (In other
words, the issue in the above mentioned bug is not specific to gnome-
session only, even it is filled against it.)

Attachment: gnome-keyring-daemon
Description: application/shellscript

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