> I am using Evolution 3.28.5-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 on a Lubuntu machine. It
> has been working fine for a few weeks. My (imap) email accounts are
> hosted on a commercial server and I have no problems with them on
> other clients (Thunderbird or Sylpheed) or on webmail.
> I have twice had emails fail to send from Evolution over the last few
> days. I get a window come up saying the following.
> An error occurred while sending. How do you want to proceed?
> The reported error was “RCPT TO <******@*****.com> failed: This
> domain is not hosted here”.

That's not an Evolution error per se. Evolution is reporting what the
SMTP server reports back.  This sort of error is because you are trying
to send email through a server to a different domain and it is not
allowing you to (it only accepts email for domains that are hosted on
the server).

Check that your SMTP server & port in the Evolution configuration is

SMTP servers should only allow relaying if you are logged in - so make
sure the SMTP authentication is turned on and correctly configured.

If other mail clients are OK, then check the Evolution config against


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