On 2018-12-21 at 15:25 +0000, Ju Nique via evolution-list wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using Evolution 3.30.3 with gpg and want to send the Enigmail OpenPGP 
> headers 
> [https://www.enigmail.net/index.php/en/user-manual/signature-and-encryption 
> "The first two options add a new mail header to the message..."] along with 
> signed mails. There are multiple accounts with different key IDs.
> What's the best way to achieve that? I have thought about
> * the Custom Header Lines 
> [https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/mail-composer-custom-header-lines.html.ru]
>  plugin, but it seems that it doesn't have any automation, so I'd have to set 
> the header for every new email, and I'd surely forget it most often
> * using rules for outgoing mails, but there is neither a "Add header" nor a 
> "process mail by external program" action
> * writing a separate plugin - but I think it should be integrated into the 
> core OpenPGP support
> * patching Evolution (how do I find out if Evolution developers would accept 
> this feature?)
> * setting these headers server-side when a specific From header is given 
> (last resort)
> Do you have a suggestion?

Initially, I think it is interesting to have, and preparing a patch for
evolution to include it would be the best approach.
(just my own opinion, I have no decision on what gets accepted or not)

I should note however that I don't see the thunderbird "Advanced..."
button documented on that page. Not even when switching to Thunderbird
64.0b4 with Enigmail nightly (2.1a1pre).

After some digging, it turns out that Enigmail removed support for that
some months ago:

At that point, it probably isn't worth adding support for that in

A little investigation shows that it simply added a Openpgp header with
either the key id, a url to download the key from or both:

Openpgp: id=D44D8EDF4A5456E01E433FB492B38F4C6462674D

Openpgp: url=https://www.example.com/mykey.txt

Openpgp: id=D44D8EDF4A5456E01E433FB492B38F4C6462674D;

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