On Sun, 2018-08-26 at 06:39 +0000, Gary Curtin wrote:
> On 25/08/2018 22:43:46, "Japhering via evolution-list" 
> <evolution-list@gnome.org> wrote:
> I know its not what you want, but the quickest way to accomplish that is to 
> not
> respond at all and either a) manually put in the calendar entries or b) route
> everything through a gmail account which will put a notice in your gmail 
> calendar but
> not respond at all.
> That GMail trick is very clever.
> What happens when you decide which meeting to attend? Because you have 
> not marked any of the meetings as tentative, you cannot later confirm or 
> decline attendance.

Gmail puts the event in your calendar and leaves it with an 
accept/decliine choice in the bottom of he event.   Simply
open the event and click on the appropriate choice.   Google's version
of "tentative" is an event where an accept/decline
decision hasn't been made.
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