I started a new thread as this went off the original topic

Andre said:-
I think you answered your question yourself already.

ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/evolution/3.28/ shows that the
latest stable Evolution version is 3.28.4 so you may ask yourself why
you are still on old version 3.28.1.


I looked at the news section on each release to see how much really
changes between releases, and whether any bug fixes effected my use.
Going up a level I noticed the 3.29.4 release , which is obviously the
development version.
Does the version under dev track the stable release, or is it pure
coincidence that stable is 28.4 and dev is 29.4.

Just interested in how the versioning works
 Best wishes /73 
 Richard Bown
 Email : rich...@g8jvm.com

 HTTP  :  http://www.g8jvm.com

 Ham Call: G8JVM . QRV: 50-432 MHz + Microwave 
 Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W
 QRV 6mtrs 200W, 4mtrs 150W, 2mtrs 300W, 70cms 200W, 
 Microwave 1296MHz 140W, 2320MHz 100W & 10368MHz 5W
 OS: Linux Mint 19 x86_64 Tara, on a Dell Inspiron N5030 laptop

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