On Tue, 2018-07-17 at 10:19 -0500, Christopher Marlow wrote:
> On Mon, 2018-07-16 at 19:26 +0100, Richard Bown wrote:
> > 
> > 
>    > If I understand your problem correctly you have multiple mail
>    > accounts, probably the one supplied by your ISP and one from
> MSN 
>    > tied to a windows installation.
> Yes on the multiple email accounts
> And no, on ISP based account... I have the following type accounts. I
> have my domain in which my emails end with @CWM030.COM 
> And then I have my @MSN.com account in which my domain host uses to
> send me emails in case getting hacked, to let me know that there's
> going to be a scheduled outtage is going to occure etc. And reciept's
> when I pay my yearly dues. 
> > If that is the case, the simplest solution is to forward the mail
> > arriving in to your MSN to the mail account supplied to you by your
> > ISP.
> > That way you can just use the ISPs IMAP server to get all your
> > mail.
> > Don't forget on the forwarding setting in MSN to deleted the
> > original
> >  message once forwarded, unless you want a back up. You should end
> > up
> > with no duplicates then.
> I was doing at one time actually.... I was having my domain pick up
> emails from the accounts I hardly use now days.. AOL, etc etc....
> But,
> for some reason I stopped doing that. 
> You see I keep an archive of EVERY EMAIL that comes in and every
> email
> that gets sent.... And I also keep the emails sorted by years.  I
> keep
> EVERYTHING, like I don't even care if it was an email from facebook,
> twitter etc. I kept it. For the just in case I need to reference back
> to something some day.
> Back when I was archiving all accounts into one place.... Which means
> I
> was doing what you basically said... Forward everything to 1 address
> etc. 
> What I use to do was everything I read from my domain, AOL, MSN,
> was read, replied and delt with and then also archived to a folder by
> year and if it was inbound or outbound
> as seen here https://imgur.com/a/2XcGQWb
> And then, something clicked one day in me and decided that I just
> wanted to keep everything pure. STUPID MISTAKE! 
> Ugh I feel sick to my stomach now... I went though all of my archive
> folders and deleted everything that wasnt addressed to @cwm030.com 
> I deleted emails that were addresses to @yahoo.com or @msn.com or
> @aol.com @hotmail.com etc. 
> I should of just kept doing what I was doing.... Just archiving
> everything to one place. 
> It's too bad, I don't have any backup's from a couple months ago that
> I
> could restore and all of those emails from the @yahoo.com or @msn.com
> or @aol.com etc. would be restored. 
>    > 
>    > 
>    > So although you can externally filter messages to find duplicate
>    > message bodies, its more efficient to stop the duplicates at
> source.
>    > I've tried Chris to put this as simply as I can so you can
> understand
>    > it.
>    > 
> > 
> Thank you :) 
> Chris
OK Chris 
I wasn't far off :)
I also have my own domain, and my e-mail/web space provider is also the domain 
Which makes things easy, I put everything through them, I do have an account 
which my ISP supplied,
 but thats not used, there is forwarding set up on that account so my ISP an 
mail me.
As I can have up to 5 mailboxes on my domain account, I have used 3, mine, my 
wifes and a backup account
I use IMAP and filter locally on this machine to archive on age to the backup 
So my main account is not too large so it will update quickly, and all the old 
stuff on the backup account sits 
on my domain in the 15GB of space I pay for, and that's accessed again with 
IMAP. I don't need to store locally, and
everything on the server is backed up daily.

Go back to the simple solution you used before, much easier :-)

 Best wishes /73 
 Richard Bown
 Email : rich...@g8jvm.com

 HTTP  :  http://www.g8jvm.com

 Ham Call: G8JVM . QRV: 50-432 MHz + Microwave 
 Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W
 QRV 6mtrs 200W, 4mtrs 150W, 2mtrs 300W, 70cms 200W, 
 Microwave 1296MHz 140W, 2320MHz 100W & 10368MHz 5W
 OS: Linux Mint 19 x86_64 Tara, on a Dell Inspiron N5030 laptop

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