On Sun, 2017-08-20 at 17:17 +0200, Ángel wrote:
> I am surprised by the number of replies saying that this is an
> Arch-specific plugin or that it only works there.
> It happens to be packaged for Arch. But -as expected- it can be
> installed from source on other distributions.
> These are the commands that would be needed for a Debian-based
> distribution:
> sudo apt-get install build-essential git evolution-dev libebook1.2-
> dev libecal1.2-dev libgconf2-dev libglib2.0-dev gnome-common
> git clone https://github.com/acidrain42/evolution-on
> cd evolution-on
> ./autogen.sh
> make
> sudo make install
> The only bit to take into account is that you will need at least
> evolution 3.22 in order to be able to enable the plugin
> (this can be detected by the presence of "undefined symbol:
> camel_message_info_get_flags" errors printed when starting evolution
> from the console)
> so -while it can be compiled and installed- it won't work with the
> evolution shipped by Debian jessie (it does work for strecht)
> It seems to work nicely, by the way.
> Best regards

Works well in Debian Buster and a much better implementation than my
old method of using "mail-notification"
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