Hi Milan,

Am Do, 30. Mär, 2017 um 8:45 schrieb Milan Crha <mc...@redhat.com>:
> On Wed, 2017-03-29 at 16:53 +0000, Schlatow, Sebastian wrote:
> >  no. I can not edit an appointment in the EWS calendar in the
> > Calendar
> >  view. Also I can not create a new one.
>       Hi,
> okay. Could you do some debugging for me, please? The steps are:
> a) close evolution
> b) open a terminal and run there this command (copy&paste):
>    $ EWS_DEBUG=2 /usr/libexec/evolution-calendar-factory -w
>    (The actual path can be different in your distribution.)
> c) wait for 3-5 seconds (to give D-Bus time to set things up)
> d) start evolution in the Calendar view:
>    $ evolution -c calendar
> e) try to add an event into the EWS calendar
> The terminal from step b) should have some lengthy output there. If
> not, then the EWS calendar thinks it's offline.

Before adding the event, I have output from b) and also after adding
the event I have output from b). I also tried Geary to import ics file
to the Evolution EWS calendar, but then I got the "offline" error
message. After a second try, I got the following error.:


> In that case check
> content of:
>    ~/.config/evolution/sources/
> and
>    ~/.cache/evolution/sources/
> for all .source files which contain EWS (case insensitively), or your
> server host name. It's possible that one of those files contains an
> [Authentication] section which has empty Host key, as it happened in
> the past, but it's only a blind guess. Filling the Host key with
> proper
> value (your server host name) may help. Such change (in .source file)
> is better to be done when evolution-source-registry background
> process
> is stopped (once you do that, `evolution --force-shutdown` can
> restart
> all background processes in one shoot).

All [Authentication]  sections I found in the .source files, was
filled. Some
.source files don't have  an [Authentication]  section.

> By the way, is this a fresh installation (or you entered the EWS
> account in 3.22.6), or it's an update from some older evolution
> version?
>       Bye,
>       Milan

No, this is not a fresh installation. I added it before 3.22.6, so it
is an update from older version.

Regards Sebastian

CEWE Stiftung & Co. KGaA mit Sitz in Oldenburg; Registergericht Oldenburg HR B 
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