Sorry, but these aren't Evolution specific questions, but I will try
and answer them.

> I'm starting in the gnome and configured the Evolution email client,
> but I'm having a hard time leaving it enabled in the top bar of the
> gnome to always update my email accounts configured on it, so I can
> close the gnome screen and the application continues to report on email
> new. How do I do that?

Gnome (in it's pure state) doesn't have such a thing - it's different.
You can minimise Evolution and it will still be running in the
background - to see it again go to the overview screen (cursor to the
top left corner of the screen) and click on the Evolution window. But
since Evolution is reasonably well integrated into Gnome, I don't think
you even need Evolution to be running for mail notifications to work.

> If you can tell me how to load it automatically when I start the
> system, thank you.

You need an application called 'Gnome Tweak Tool' - you can specify the
startup applications there.


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