One of the "secrets" to using evolution with Ubuntu 16.04 is installing the 
program from synaptic instead of the command line.  If one starts PC and logs 
on with one's username and password, one can call up synaptic from the launcher 
bar (may need to install synaptic first from the Software Center"  Synaptic 
will ask for the password associated with the username.  Use the search tool 
(magnifying glass on icon bar) and enter the term (without quotes) "evolution". 
 Synaptic will report the evolution and other programs that go with it.  
Generally clicking on evolution and ticking the check box to mark the program 
for installation and clicking on "Apply" in the icon bar will install evolution 
and related programs that most people use.  This does not include 
evolution-ews, which can also be installed from synaptic once evolution is 
installed.  After doing the installs, one should be able to call up evolution 
from the launcher bar (may have to use the search icon at the top of the 
launcher bar to bring up the icon for evolution.  When evolution loads you 
should be able to enter your username and proceed with setting up evolution.

-----Original Message-----
From: Milan Crha <>
Subject: Re: [Evolution] must run as root to see my account?
Date: Thu, 08 Dec 2016 18:51:26 +0100

On Thu, 2016-12-08 at 15:33 +0000, Baker, Derek wrote:
> I've installed (using apt) Evolution and the EWS plugin

I'd guess that you installed the evolution-ews, but did not restart the
evolution-data-server background processes, thus they did not load the
evo-ews modules and thus they are not capable of it. The one which is
responsible for the accounts is the evolution-source-registry process.
You can simply restart whole machine and everything will work as
expected (that way you'll make sure that the other processes will run
too, in the correct order).

The 3.20.x (or maybe 3.22.x, I do not recall precisely) is able to load
new modules on the fly.
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