
I'm writing this mail not with my Evolution, but with another MUA.
This other MUA provides templates, for all accounts, for each account
and for parent folders and per sub folders, for compose, reply and
forward. IOW, variables for "on 2015-11-11 John wrote", a variable for
the quoted message body, a variable for the cursor position and then
you could add text "Regards, Tux". This MUA also allows to chose a
signature separator, the default is "-- ". However, there's no need to
chose another separator, since what the OP wants, should be done by
templates. I stay with "-- ", but AFAIK there are other separators that
work too, IIRC something like "_______" or similar. Problems could
happen, if below the authors signature, e.g. a mailing list signature
is added. Btw. regarding tiny pictures, aka faces, Evolution allows pics
that are much too large. If allowing this, why not providing to chose a
separator for the signature?


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