> I do not recall ever seeing such a message.  And I have been subscribed
> to this list, effectively, since the dawn of time. :)

OK. I always wondered if there were some terminally confused people
that got the wrong idea.

> I for a long time anticipated someone freaking out about the name, but
> it never happened.  Not even when it had the Ximian splash window with
> the little monkey.  [anyone here remember "red-carpet"?]

Indeed I remember that well - and the early version of Ximian Evolution
> Either by self-selected-demographic of who attends geekish meetings or
> just obvious common sense it just isn't 'a thing'.
However I've heard stories of people being berated for wearing FreeBSD
T-shirts in public and I have had some one who really wasn't happy
about using the term 'daemon'.

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