On Wed, 2016-05-18 at 17:36 +0000, Reid, Jason I (347G) wrote:
> Hello, is there an option or some way to not be automatically
> included in every reply all?  It's a bit inconvenient to remove
> myself from each occurrence and most email editors seem to have this
> either as an option or default behavior.  I'm using version 3.10.4.

Evolution doesn't include the sender in the Reply-All.  This only works
though if the sending email address is the same as the address you have
received the email on.

For instance, if you have an address of x...@y.com forwarded to z...@w.com -
reply-all'ing as z...@w.com will include the x...@y.com address in the list
of recipients.  I know this because I have a very old email address
that some people just won't stop using - it's forwarded to my proper
email address, but if I reply-all on one of the messages, a copy is
sent to my old address (and now, when someone else does a reply all, I
get two copies because my old and new email addresses are both on the

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