What (to the best of my recollection) we had so far (I tried to make *4*
paragraphs - hope all clients display that acceptably):

*SENT (presumed using smtp.gmail.com)* 
     A. Gmail stores a copy of every message you send in its Sent Mail
        folder (this is not configurable), so when using it from
        Evolution it makes sense to set Evo's Sent Messages to a local
     B. Gmail is always going to store sent messages in its Sent Mail
        folder anyway, even if you don't set it. All you're doing is to
        upload each message twice (once for the "send" and again for the
     C. Gmail simply throws away the second one (remember that Gmail is
        really an interface to a database) though haven't checked this. 
     D. You will certainly be using more bandwidth for absolutely no

     A. Messages that are deleted from a folder via IMAP (except for
        those in [Gmail]/Spam or [Gmail]/Trash) only have folder label
        removed and still exist in [Gmail]/"All Mail". 
     B. Saving deleted messages to [Gmail]/Trash folder causes deleting
        a message in all folders.

     A. In the GMail web interface they show there [Imap]/Drafts and
        [Imap]/Sent "folders", thus it seems that they distinguish
        between the two being done through the web UI and through the
        IMAP interface. 
     B. The right real folders in the IMAP should be /Drafts and /Sent,
        rather than [Gmail]/Drafts and [Gmail]/Sent. 
     C. The Gmail Web UI shows the message both in the [Imap]/Sent
        and /Sent folders. 
     D. The later (/Sent) shows the message with the "[Imap]/Sent" tag,
        thus it seems that the /Sent folder in the Web interface
        consolidates all sent messages from all folders (have there
        shown also sent messages from the Inbox folder). 
     E. The IMAP interface shows the sent message only in the /Sent
        folder, not in the [Gmail]/Sent folder. 
     F. In the IMAP interface the sent messages would be split between
        the /Sent and [Gmail]/Sent folders, while the Web UI view would
        be still (almost) the same. 
     G. Split view adds confusion for the users, then rather not assign
        the /Sent folder, neither the /Drafts folder, in the IMAP
        interface, even it looks like the way the GMail wants the users
        to use it.

     A. Gmail doesn't actually use folders, e.g. it's the Sent Mail
        label, but when accessing it via IMAP it appears as a folder.

This might have been too much all bunched together but maybe we can
keep the thread alive on occasion to get things straight concerning the
odd behaviour of Gmail accounts :-)

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