On Fri, 2015-12-04 at 11:10 -0500, dave boland wrote:
> I used drag and drop.  Worked great for the first folder (had
> sub-folders), but not for the next one.  

[Please don't top-post on the list]

The problem with drag-and-drop (not just in Evo) is that it's fine as
long as everything works, i.e. you don't drop network connectivity,
there is enough space on the target drive, Evo or your system doesn't
crash etc. etc. Clearly your chances of success go down as the total
amount to be moved goes up. That's why I recommend something like
imapsync, which allows you to continue from where you left off if
something bad happens.

Having said all that, it's hard to know what specifically went wrong in
your case, but it's quite likely that your mail is still hanging around
"somewhere". As a first step, I would suggest quitting and restarting
Evo to see if it resyncs.

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