On Wed, 2015-12-02 at 13:48 -0500, dave boland wrote:
> Thanks for the insight.  There is an IMAP option in Evolution to
> synchronize the email, but I have not found much info about this
> option.
>  Does anyone know what it does and the pros/cons?
> My objective is to have a local copy (on my computer or email server)
> of
> all sent and received email, while leaving about 4 months worth on the
> isp server for remote use.  periodically, I take the email from the
> inbox and sent and place them in subject folders.
> My question is how do I do that with Evolution, or any email
> application?

Different email applications have different facilities so I can't speak
to them all.  This isn't a capability supported by the IMAP protocol.

For Evolution, one option is to select all the messages you want to
archive and drag them to your "On This Computer" INBOX which should copy
them onto your local disk.  Then you can delete those selected files
from your IMAP account.

You can make new folders in the "On This Computer" with dates and copy
all the email up to that date to that folder, or whatever.

I have not ever tried this, note.  You shouldn't delete email from your
server until you've verified it's all present as expected in the local
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