On Fri, 2015-05-29 at 08:25 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> I have the same problem, so I have tried to configure GOA (added a
> google account, disabled all but Contacts, closed GOA and restarted
> evolution) but the error still appears; is there any further step I
> should consider to make my google contacts re-appear in evo (v. 
> 3.12.11
> on Ubuntu 15.04)?

configuring an account in GOA doesn't fix your already configured
Contacts (or any other google sources). GOA accounts are shown as a
separate branch on the left, usually with your Google email as the root
node (on the same level as the "Google" or  "On This Computer" nodes).

It could sometimes happen that the evolution-source-registry (or the
factories) didn't pick the GOA account addition properly. Try to
restart the machine (re-login), which should make things work,
especially when the goa-daemon process will be run on the machine

You can safely delete any Google sources directly configured in the
Evolution now.

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