On Tue, 2014-06-17 at 22:29 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Tue, 2014-06-17 at 13:17 -0500, Leonard Evens wrote:
> > I use an email server in my department.  On the server, in my home
> > directory, there is a Directory called Mail and within Mail are a bunch
> > of subdirectories.
> > 
> > I run Fedora Linux 20, and my Department runs Enterprise Linux, which is
> > a version of Red Hat Linux.
> Remember that many people have no idea what that means in terms of
> Evolution versions. Always state the version of Evo your question refers
> to.

I am running evolution 3.10.4.

> > On evolution, I have an account for the server and if I right click on
> > that, there is an item Manage Subscriptions.  If I choose that there are
> > boxes next to the various items in the Mail directory which presumably I
> > can manage to subscribe to or not.  But they appear in that account in
> > evolution whether or not I have subscribed to them.  One, in particular,
> > called from shows (50901), indicating a large number of unread messages.
> > If I click on from I see lots of messages with all fields blank except
> > Date which has a ? in it.  If I go to the server, I can read from and it
> > has lots of messages in it.
> > 
> > Is there some way I can prevent from from appearing in evolution?
> > Presumably, if I move it out of Mail on the server, that would do the
> > job, but that might mess up my mail some way or other.  What is the
> > function of from?
> It's not clear what your server setup is and you don't say how you are
> accessing it. Is this via IMAP or something else? Is the Mail directory
> in your personal user account? Is it managed exclusively by the IMAP
> server (assuming you're using IMAP) or is something else writing files
> into it?

I am using imap.  And it uses my department's imap server.  The way
things are organized in my department, there are a bunch of public
machines, and one's personal files are mounted on all of them, so it
doesn't matter which one I am logged into.

The Mail folder is in my personal directory on the public system,  but
the imap server is provided by the server. I always shows my inbox,
which I believe is my mail folder on the public system.  In addition, I
can subscribe to files in my Mail directory.  I created some of the
files I subscribe to.  For example, I put a file called learn in which I
put, using evolution, files I want to be treated as spam.  Periodically,
I use that file to train the program spamassassin.

But I seem to have solved my immediate problem in that by fiddling a
bit, I managed to eliminate the file "from" from being displayed by

I would still like to know how evolution decides to show what it does.

> poc
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Leonard Evens l...@math.northwestern.edu
Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University

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