On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 11:18 PM, Milan Crha <mc...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 2014-04-26 at 14:37 -0700, Per wrote:
> > I do not experience this bug with any of the default themes that comes
> > with Ubuntu/Gnome, just Evolve, so I'm not sure whether this is an
> > Evolution or Evolve issue (no pun intended...).
> >
> > The fact the bug was addressed by the Evolution developers in the past
> > suggests perhaps there is a regression in Evolution, as all the fixes
> > made seem to refer to older versions of Evolution than I use.
> Anyway, the message preview tries to use colors from the selected theme
> to be drawn consistently (or close to) the other widgets. The problem is
> that the theme definitions do not always define colors (in this case
> background colors), thus the returned value is a default color, black.
> So the problem is unreliability on colors of theme definitions. One
> case, I notices, was when the theme defines background image, with no
> "fallback" color for the widget, but Evolution requires the color.
> As you mentioned, all other preinstalled themes work correctly for you,
> which shows that the actual issue is with the theme you chose to use.
> The theme is just a css definition, thus it might be doable to edit it
> and add the background color definition for the widgets, namely for
> toolbar (see the above bug report and the attached patch there).

​Thanks Milan. I dug up the source for the Adwaita theme but its beyond my
skills to identify which elements do not have their background-color
property defined in the Evolve theme's stylesheets. It may be extremely
tedious work for the Evolve developer to identify them as well. Anyway, I
copied your advice to him. In the meanwhile I simple added this line at the
top my /usr/share/themes/Evolve/gtk-3.0/gtk-widgets.css:

* { background-color: @theme_bg_color; }
​This defines a default fallback color for *any* undefined element. Perhaps
its too risk with such wide scope, but it fixed the ugly, black background
issue in Evolution, Gnome Tweaks and gedit.​ It should work for any other
theme with said issue.

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