I have two computers.  

One is running Fedora 17 and evolution (3.4.4) works fine connecting to
my department's servers.

The other was also running Fedora 17. and evolution (3.4.4)  worked fine
there with the same settings.   But, I recently installed Fedora 20 on
it, and I tried to set evolution up with the same choices that work with
the version under Fedora 17.  (The interface doesn't allow exactly the
same choices, but I tried every plausible possibility.)  But I can't get
evolution (3.10.3) to work.  For example, I get
Error while performing operation,
Error fetching folders:list:expecting '(' or NEWLINE

What is going on?  

My Department is running an up to date version of Scientific Linux,
which is really Red Hat Linux.

Leonard Evens l...@math.northwestern.edu
Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University

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