----- Original Message -----
From: Matthew Barnes
Sent: 02/19/14 11:10 PM
To: Roy Reese
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Mageia KDE and Evolution

On Wed, 2014-02-19 at 22:51 +0100, Roy Reese wrote: > Unfortnately I suspect 
that the basic uninstall of Evolution leaves > some files here and there. For 
example, any data I have moved from my > netbook magically appear after 
reinstall. So I am open to suggestions > for how to do a truly thorough 
uninstall before resorting to the more > radical approach of reinstalling the 
OS. See https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/data-storage.html.en In 
your case, the "Account Settings" directory is key. Matthew Barnes
Thank you, Matthew and Ralf. I uninstalled Evo, deleted all data files except 
$HOME/.config/dconf, and then reinstalled and configured and ran from zero 
(without transferring any data from my other machine). Same thing. Evolution 
hangs. Here I should be more explicit. First, Evo never asks for a password 
even though I have indicated that one is necessary (hence my assumption that 
the problem lies with the keyring). Second, the send and receive processes hang 
in the sense that no mail is retreived and the processes cannot be canceled nor 
can the program be closed, even though one can do other things such as look at 
notes, etc.
There are some differences I see in setting up Evo in 3.10.2 under Mageia KDE 
and the 3.2.3 version I have in Mint and don't know if they could be the source 
of the problem. First, even though I indicate in 3.10.2 that passwords are 
required in POP and STMP, Evo does not ask if I want it to remember the 
password. Second, in 3.2.3 I have specified TLS Encoding, in 3.10.2 "STARTTLS 
after connecting". Third, on my Mageia machine Evo indicates two additional 
accounts: "Search folder" (set to "vfolder") and "On this machine" (set to 

Roy W. Reese
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