On Sun, 2013-07-21 at 07:13 -0700, erenoglu wrote:
> I work at a multi-national and Outlook is the norm. The norm of
> Outlook is top posting, and it's OK since reading mails with bottom
> posting & quotes are tough when they are 10s of messages on a given
> subject. Sometims you're forwarded an email and need to go throught
> the whole set of mails bottom up to understand the context as the
> quoted parts not always cover everything.

I can confirm this from my own experience. It's a PITA but "when in
Rome, do as the Romans do" so I went along with it when in a corporate

However technical mailing lists are a different story (a different
"Rome") and the longstanding tradition is to avoid top-posting and trim
posts to what one is commenting on, given that the list archive has all
the previous context anyway.

> HTML is also a must as there are multiple occasions where you want to
> insert a picture and comment on it, or a table and make annotations or
> comments over it as well. Many in-line replies carry different font &
> color (Outlook does a good job of putting your name &pick a good color
> to differentiate your comments in someone else's mail.
> Yes, there may be better methods to do all these things but tough to
> convince so many people.

Also true in the corporate world, and false on technical mailing lists.
Furthermore, HTML in email is a potential security risk so many people
prefer to avoid it.

To summarize: follow the ground rules of the community you are


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