Den 05/29/2013 02:00 PM, skrev
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 12:35:40 +0200
From: Vidar Evenrud Seeberg <>
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Time drifting using Android - Exchange 2010 -
Message-ID: <1369823740.5115.16.camel@vesjobb>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

On Wed, 2013-05-29 at 09:48 +0000,

Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 09:06:06 +0200
From: Patryk Benderz <>
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Time drifting using Android - Exchange 2010 -
Message-ID: <1369811166.10214.8.camel@esp-patben-lin.espdx1.local>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Post looks great. Check differences between OS and BIOS time
set on
each machine, including phone, however last one may not be trivial.
         I do not know Evolution code handles setting appointment
incoming from
different sources, but I imagine some parts of code may check OS time,
wile others can check BIOS time. This would explain time difference
I will check this evening. However, one post says Evolution uses System
time and not BIOS time. Don't know how to find BIOS time for the phone,
but I will google a bit for it
BIOS time on my PC was set at UTC (+/-0), however setting it to local time changed nothing. I entered an appointment at 20:00 on my phone, initiated sync to Exchange and opened Evolution. Still two hours drift, shows in Evolution at 18:00. Displays correctly in OWA. I have not found a way to check BIOS time on my phone
Please help anybody. This is really a showstopper for me using Evolution
Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
Linux Registered User #377521
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/\   - against proprietary attachments


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 10:15:47 +0100
From: Pete Biggs <>
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Time drifting using Android - Exchange 2010 -
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-7"

When you say it "drifts" do you mean it's exactly 2 hours off, or
it varies by up to 2 hours?
It is always off by two hours (which is the "offset" from timezone
Do all the various components agree on the timezone and the
time? I.e. if the Windows machine says it's 10am, does the Linux
also say it's 10am? How about the phone?

The timezone and the time is set equally on both PCs and phone
What about the exchange server?  Do you have any access to that to see
what timezone it is set to?
Our Exchange server is 2010 and the timezone for the server is UTC+1 +
summertime, which altogether should be summarized to my computers' and
my phone's +2 timezone

Original post (not sure if I should attach this, but doing it for
including all relevant information):
No, don't include the original - if you reply to a message to the
use Ctrl-L (to reply to the list), that will set all the threading
parameters properly so your message will appear in context with all
others so there is no need to include the original message.  In fact
good list ? email etiquette is to remove any parts of the message that
aren't necessary to the answers you are giving.


Trying to do it right this time... :)


Message: 7
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 10:21:45 +0100
From: Pete Biggs <>
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Time drifting using Android - Exchange 2010 -
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-7"

       Post looks great. Check differences between OS and BIOS time
set on
each machine, including phone, however last one may not be trivial.
       I do not know Evolution code handles setting appointment
incoming from
different sources, but I imagine some parts of code may check OS
wile others can check BIOS time. This would explain time difference
It's unlikely that Evolution (or anything else in user land) will look
at the BIOS time - the standard time is the system time and that is
(very) easily accessed through standard system calls.

Could there be Evolution looking at other time information than phone,
OWA and Outlook looks at? (Not sure what I am asking about, but could it
be more than one time/date field "living" in Exchange 2010 server, where
OWA, Outlook and phone looks at one field while Evolution looks at


Message: 8
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 10:47:58 +0100
From: Pete Biggs <>
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Time drifting using Android - Exchange 2010 -
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-7"

When entering appointments?events on my phone (using either SPlanner
or Touchdown) the appointments drift with two hours when picked up
Evolution. If entering an appointment from 10:00 to 11:00 on the
phone, it shows up in Evolution from 8:00 to 9:00. This is how I do
(for reproduction):
I was just going to say that I too see the issues - but having just
looked at my Exchange?EWS calendar (I don't use it very often) and put
some new items in it, everything looks to be OK.  I've certainly seen
things that were and hour off (even "all day" appointments that went
from 1am to 1am), but they seem to have resolved themselves.  I wonder
if an update to Exchange fixed it ('cos I know our Exchange server was
updated recently).


Thank you. Comforting to see that it is not just me.... Our Exchange
server is 2010 and the timezone for the server is UTC+1 + summertime,
which altogether should be summarized to my computers and my phone's +2
timezone. I will ask the IT management department if there is a possible
upgrade up front.


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