> > When you say it "drifts" do you mean it's exactly 2 hours off, or that
> > it varies by up to 2 hours?
> It is always off by two hours (which is the "offset" from timezone 0.)
> >
> > Do all the various components agree on the timezone and the current
> > time? I.e. if the Windows machine says it's 10am, does the Linux machine
> > also say it's 10am? How about the phone?
> >
> > poc
> The timezone and the time is set equally on both PCs and phone

What about the exchange server?  Do you have any access to that to see
what timezone it is set to?

> Original post (not sure if I should attach this, but doing it for 
> including all relevant information):

No, don't include the original - if you reply to a message to the list,
use Ctrl-L (to reply to the list), that will set all the threading
parameters properly so your message will appear in context with all the
others so there is no need to include the original message.  In fact
good list / email etiquette is to remove any parts of the message that
aren't necessary to the answers you are giving.


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