I'm using Evolution with KDE and it works very well.  IMHO it works
better running on KDE than on Gnome 3. :-)) 
So it should work fine.  May be you have some other issue.


El vie, 20-01-2012 a las 11:08 -0800, walt escribió:

> Hi team.
> I have an x86 (gentoo) machine where I've installed xfce4 along side
> gnome3 (because IMHO gnome3 isn't ready yet) and I want to use evolution
> from inside xfce4 instead.
> Evolution works normally when run inside gnome3, but when run from inside
> xfce4 it sits for 10 or 15 seconds and then dies with this:
> $evolution
> (evolution:7056): e-menu-tool-button.c-CRITICAL **: 
> menu_tool_button_clone_image: assertion `image_type == GTK_IMAGE_ICON_NAME' 
> failed
> (evolution:7056): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_show: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET 
> (widget)' failed
> (evolution:7056): e-utils-WARNING **: Icon 'mail-attachment' not present in 
> theme
> e-utils-ERROR **: Icon 'gtk-missing-image' not present in theme
> Trace/breakpoint trap
> These gnome services are still running in xfce4 session:
> /usr/libexec/gvfsd
> /usr/libexec/gdu-notification-daemon
> /usr/libexec/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
> /usr/libexec/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor
> /usr/libexec/notification-daemon
> /usr/libexec/gconfd-2
> /usr/libexec/gvfsd-http --spawner :1.11 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/1
> /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --foreground --components=secrets
> /usr/libexec/e-calendar-factory   <<<<< xfce4 runs this for me at startup
> I use ck-launch-session to start xfce4, and there are system and session
> daemons running as well, just as in gnome3.
> Can you see anything obviously wrong with this setup?  Evolution seems to
> be trying to contact somebody or listen to a socket, maybe?  What things
> should evolution normally do during the first few seconds after starting?
> Even very vague hints would be most useful :)
> Thanks!
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