On Tue, 2011-10-18 at 11:46 +0200, Artur Flinta wrote:
> Well, we have Exchange 2007SP1, nothing special in X400 account info either:
> C=PL;A= ;P=Companyname;O=Exchange;S=Lastname;G=Firstname;
> Anything I can do to help resolve this issue? 

Hm. Run Evolution from a command prompt with EWS_DEBUG=2 set in the
environment, and it will dump all its EWS traffic.

Try to send a message, and you'll see exactly what it's trying to do.

Can you show me the request where it tries to send the message, and the
response? Then perhaps we can try some variants until the server accepts
it... it's easier to muck around with the request in an editor and
submit it with 'curl' than it is to screw with Evo's settings and keep
retrying, especially since Evolution is so bad at updated settings and
often needs restarting to change things.


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