Am Donnerstag, den 13.10.2011, 16:50 +0100 schrieb Steve T:
> Evolution 2.32.3 - Fedora Core 14 - Gnome 2.30
> Good afternoon,
> I have quite a few VFolders that seem to take an age to load. Half of
> them I no longer use regularly, but I would still want to be able to
> filter on those criteria - so is there a way to convert the VFolder
> criteria to an equivalent Saved Search? That way I can simply run the
> query when I need it, rather than maintaining the full list all the
> time.
> Regards
> Steve T
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Well, on 2.28.4 and probably still on 2.32, there exist
two files <evolution_base>/mail/vfolders.xml and
<evolution_base>/mail/searches.xml. (In your version, base is probably
in ~/.local/share/evolution).
To me, they look to have almost the same format. You may try to just
copy the part of some rules from one xml file (vfolders) to the other
(searches). Don't forget to make backups of those files before making
changes and restart evolution.
And in the future you could first define a saved search and then use the
menu item under search to turn it into a vfolder. This way, you always
have a search corresponding to your vfolder. 
Hope that helps,


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