On Thu, 2011-09-29 at 09:33 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-09-27 at 21:24 -0400, carpetnailz wrote:
> > I've just installed Fedora 15 and am having a lot of trouble with
> > Calendar running dreadfully slow. I'm running Evolution 3.0.3 that comes
> > with Fedora 15. I never had this before with earlier versions of
> > Evolution. If I start Evolution, then click Calendar as soon as it
> > opens, then click new appointment, it will take about 50 seconds all
> > told. If I'm in Mail having been to Calendar before and then go to
> > Calendar, it opens fairly quickly, but then can take 10 seconds or so
> > after I click to open a new appointment. If I'm in Calendar and click to
> > go to another date it can take 18 seconds to get there, and then another
> > 12 seconds or so to get back to 'today'.
>       Hi,
> it can be related to calendars you have configured. What calendar types
> do you have configured, please? (CalDAV, local (On This Computer), any
> exchange, webcal, ...) Does anything change if you disable some of
> remote calendars? Is there anything on the console when you run
> evolution from a terminal, some kind of timeout error message or any
> runtime warnings?
>       Bye,
>       Milan
I'm just using the "local" calendar, which I brought over from my old
computer's Evolution 2.28.3. I copied the ~/.local/share/evolution
folder from my rdiff-backup. I think Evolution did something to upgrade
the mail contents, but I don't think it did anything to the old
calendar. So my guess is that, except for having been moved from
~/.evolution to the new location, the calendar is the same I was using
previously. (Between the 10.04 version on my old computer I tried Ubuntu
11.04 on the new box but switched to Fedora 15 because of some problems
I was having. So the rdiff-backup was from the Ubuntu 11.04. I don't
think Evolution had done anything to change the format of the mail file
while I was using that installation.)

Checking from the command line gave the following. 
[eric@localhost ~]$ evolution --force-shutdown
Evolution process exited normally
[eric@localhost ~]$ evolution
Migrating cached data
Migrating config data
Migrating local user data
  rmdir /home/eric/.evolution/tasks
  FAILED: Directory not empty (contents follows)
[I removed /home/eric/.evolution/tasks and subdirectories]


[eric@localhost ~]$ evolution &
[1] 7371

This hasn't improved the speed of the calendar.

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