On 04/11/2010 21:02, Pete Biggs wrote:
On Thu, 2010-11-04 at 22:43 +0200, Johan Scheepers wrote:
On 04/11/2010 20:16, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On 11/4/10 3:38 PM, Johan Scheepers wrote:
On 04/11/2010 19:00, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
On Thu, 2010-11-04 at 20:05 +0200, Johan Scheepers wrote:
Good day,
Evolution 2.30.3
Debian squeeze freeze fully updated.
After installing squeeze i tried to use evolution but the ** send /
receive ** stays grayed out.
The rest seems fine.
You are offline.
Not offline - Icedove is working fine on another mail address
Doesn't matter. Did you read the URL Pete sent:
Summary: you may have NetworkManager misconfigured.
This is a standalone laptop connected to dsl modem by cable.
Funny.. Been using evo on suse, ubuntu, pclinux with no problem.
So I am stucked.
Just because it works properly with other distros doesn't mean that
Debian hasn't mucked something up.
Bottom line is this: Evo gets its connection status from NetworkManager,
if NM is not configured properly Evo thinks that there is no network
connection and so goes off-line. Most distros manage configure NM
properly, Debian obviously doesn't.
Like Patrick I use Fedora, so I can't help you with Debian, sorry.
However, it doesn't take an awful lot of effort to search on Google -
e.g. search for "debian network manager config" and it comes up with a
Debian wiki page as the first offering:
and in there there is a whole section on "NetworkManager in Squeeze" - I
think you'll probably find that it will help you. There's even a bug
reference for it:
As others said - not an Evo issue.
Thanks for your input. I am waiting for a reply on debian and wil look
at the wiki
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