On Sat, 2010-01-02 at 15:12 -0800, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
> I use spamassasin to check for junk (local tests only).  Suddenly I'm
> getting lots of good messages in the Junk folder, usually about 40 per
> day (I'm on a lot of mailing lists (8-)).  There have always been some
> misfiled good messages, but usually only 3 or 4, along with a fair
> amount of spam.  Now lots of good stuff, very little spam.  The
> situation changed some time after Christmas, maybe just after New
> Year's.
> Does anyone have a clue what's happening?

Yes.  Read here:  http://lwn.net/Articles/368396/

I haven't used SpamAssassin in years.  Bogofilter is, IMO, a much better


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