-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Cannot start new email, reply, or forward
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 08:12:40 -0600
From: Chris <cpoll...@embarqmail.com>
To: evolution-list@gnome.org

Since last night Evo has decided to just give up when it comes to
writing new mails, replying or forwarding. The button is clicked however
no matter how long I wait nothing happens. Seems Evo has been nothing
but a problem since I upgraded to 2.28.1 and Gnome 2.28. I've even gone
so far this morning as to reboot the box and still Evo locks up. I can
read mail with no problems. Any advice would be appreciated.


Apologies for replying this way but since the gnome.org servers are
being moved and probably not back up until Monday I thought that since I
figured out the problem I'd reply this way.
Remembered I'd had this same issue back with Mandriva 2009.0. The
problem is the xmms-infopipe plugin leaves a couple of files laying
around in /tmp and when they do if you have this in your sig script:

if [ -p /tmp/xmms-info ] ; then echo "Live - $( grep
Title: /tmp/xmms-info | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' )"

it causes strange things to happen. Deleted the xmms-info* files
from /tmp and all seems well again, except for the long wait when
sending pgp signed messages with attachments over 1mb.

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