> Sorry to jump into someone elses thread, but this reminds me of a
> feature request.
> I'd like a "paste as plain text" option for Evolution.
> SHIFT-CTRL-V. I end up pasting into a text editor first and then
> recopy & paste to remove Evolutions crazy formatting.
> BTW, this helps somewhat with the above question but does not create a
> table.

I agree. I often have a text editor running, which I paste into, then
copy from, then paste that into Evolution, just to strip all formating
out of text.

A "paste as plain text" could be good for HTML mails, but for plain text
emails (under Format -> Plain text) - and this is what I send 99% of the
time - in my opinion for plain text mails, Evo should only ever do
"paste as plain text". What's the use of a formatted paste into a plain
text mail?

A possibly related bug report (this is for checkboxes, but HTML text
fields, buttons, text areas, all do the same thing):

John: If it's a small bit of text, you can paste into/cut from the
mail's CC or BCC field, that does a similar thing, and it's usually
slightly less effort than using a text editor for small snippets of
text, but it's still a workaround.

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