On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 14:07 -0800, Bryan Karlan wrote:
> I want to try 2.29 to see what it has improved upon.  I have little
> experience with Linux.

I'm afraid those two statements are incompatible!  As others have said,
the odd point releases of most Gnome software are development versions
and are likely to be unstable.

>   I have Ubuntu 9.10.  I have downloaded the file and have extracted
> it. 

Which "file"?  If it's just the Evo source code, then to compile it you
will need much more than that.

>  However, I find no install or setup file as you would in Windows.  I
> still can't understand why in Linux such simple things are made so
> darn complicated.  How can I figure this program out if I can't even
> figure out how to install it?

A release version of a package *is* simple to install - all you do is go
to the gui package manager, click on the package and click install.
Probably much easier than in windows.

The equivalent in Windows to what you are asking to do is to install a
development version of Outlook 2010 from source code download from the
MS web site.  Not something that I would recommend anyone even
contemplate doing - if you could even get the source code in the first
place, and the source code for the rest of Office (which you will need)
and the source for all the Windows libraries (which you will need) and
so on.


> Bryan 
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