On Sun, 2009-11-08 at 18:52 -0500, peng shao wrote:
> Hi I am using evolution-2.28 on a gentoo machine. And I found that if
> I enabled
> "send message receipts" in Preference--->Account---->Defaults, it has
> no effect. Every email
> I tried to send has no read receipts. Instead I have to manually
> insert a read receipts when
> I am composing an email. Anyone knows how should I set evolution to
> send every email with read
> receipt by default?  Thank you.
> Peng
You need to set "always request read receipt" in your composer
preferences. The "send message receipt" is to automagicly send a receipt
to e-mails you receive when they are requested.
As a rule I keep mine and all of my family's set to "Never send"

Dan Brenner                      0-
dbren...@dbrenner.com      All Opinions are My Own???

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