On Tue, 2009-10-20 at 01:24 -0600, Kojak T wrote:
> Hi, 
> Pre... 
> Ubuntu 8.04, Latest updates installed
> Evolution:
> Recently, I get errors sending e-mails: 
> "Error while performing operation. DATA command failed: Message refused"
> I've changed my default mail server to GoDaddy. and it seems only to
> happen when using those accounts.
> I'm sending this message via evolution using my Gmail account, it works
> perfect, as well as my other accounts. So my suspicion is going towards
> GoDaddy. But is anybody able to tell me what this error message actually
> means? 
> Thanks, 
> M.Kojak.S


Found it, 

If I include the link  http://xxxxx.myvnc.com  
{with XXXX my forwarded domain, a valid link from No-IP.com service;
Go-daddy must not like it and refuses the message}

Actually pretty sick that a hosting company {Go-Daddy} will filter my

I Did test several times as follows:

email with generic message, through Go-daddy account:  NO problem
email with this link through Go-daddy account: ERROR as stated above
email with this link, through any other email hosting (google, msn,
telus, ...) NO problem. 

So NO evolution problem at all. but thought I share it anyway, since
I've posted previous message. 


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