> > If you want the message to go to the mailing list, hit "Reply To
> > List" (Ctrl-L), not "Reply to All", that will make your reply go to the
> > proper place as derived from the mail headers and makes sure the person
> > you are replying to doesn't get two copies.  (Another bit of netiquette
> > that seems to be forgotten about.)
> Thanks for the magic.  I'll use it in the future.  What would be
> *really* nice would be for evolution (this list is about evolution) to
> have a icon for this purpose in the panels at the top of the windows.
> What would be *really* *really* nice would be to allow the user to
> choose which icons appear in these panels.

Agree.  Then I wouldn't have to edit an XML file to eliminate that
*@&^(@* stupid and useless "Junk" button positioned inconveniently next
to the delete button. Ugh.

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