I just wanted to say I find it amusing that my original question about a
small feature in evolution led to this fascinating discussion about
internet behavior and best practices. 

I work in the field of medicine and I have to concur with the below. I
work with doctors (PLURAL!) who have assistants whose sole job is to
make PRINTOUTS of every email that they receive, and then transcribe
hand-written responses back into their email clients for them. I have to
conform my email practices into the environment in which I operate.

(PS: sorry for the top-posting, heh)

Benjamin May
Sr. Research Analyst
+(212) 851-4772

On Tue, 2009-09-29 at 11:58 -0400, Philippe LeCavalier wrote:
> >I think it is so entrenched at this point, that I tend to top post when
> >I know my recipient with think I sent her a blank email if I don't.
> I second that. I have Evo set to top-post because of that.
> And then it becomes somewhat annoying to reply to lists... 
> Also, I find that if I bottom-post or interleave my reply
> people will respond top-posted and then nothing makes sense anymore.
>         Cheers,
>         Phil
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