On Tue, 2009-09-22 at 10:01 -0400, Philippe LeCavalier wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Every time I create a message filter I'm reminded of a particular
> annoyance I have with that side of Evo. Essentially, when I create a
> filter either from scratch or from an existing message I find myself
> wanting to go back to the main Evo window to gather more info in order
> to properly set the filter. Unfortunately I can't seem to switch
> between those two windows. Is there any way this can be changed so
> that one can tab between the filter messages dialog window and the
> main Evo window? I can switch between the main window and the
> composition one, shouldn't I be able to do the same for the filters?
> Am I the only one that has this need?

No, you're not. Please submit an enhancement request to


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