On Mon, 2009-08-24 at 08:02 -0400, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 21:53 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > 
> > Your BZ report talks about issues with large newsgroups.
> Indeed.
> > Are you seeing
> > the same with large mail folders?
> I don't have any/enough mail folders that compete with the quantity/size
> of newsgroups.
> > I have one IMAP folder with over
> > 60,000 messages in it and I don't see any sluggishness (maybe a few
> > seconds on startup),
> That's not surprising then.  Not that I trust the message counts much
> anymore (since the sqlite migration fiasco), but the vfolder that
> aggregates all of my newsgroups says there are 418389 messages in it
> with 418344 unread (i.e. only 5 unread messages -- yeah right).  However
> I know the difference between read and unread messages is in reality
> much much greater than that.  Case in point for not trusting the message
> count numbers any more.  But I digress on to yet another bug.
> Performance in an individual (real) folder is great.  Switching from
> message to message is quick.  It's in vfolders which represent a large
> aggregation where the message-to-message performance is sluggish, and of
> course, as I have said, startup times after a crash (which is still too
> frequent an occurrence unfortunately) is on the order of close to 10
> minutes if not more and when I strace it, it's all reads/writes to the
> sqlite db(s).
> >  but I don't use Evo for newsgroups.
> You should try it sometime if you want to see the scaling problems.
> I use gmane and nntp for mailing lists instead of getting the mail
> delivered here.  Doing that really highlights the scaling problems.
> IMHO, the evo developers (especially the ones responsible for its
> scalability) should be *required* to use gmane for all of their mailing
> lists.  Nothing like having to eat your own dogfood to making it taste
> good.
Some of the vfolder issues and sqlite summary issues have been covered

They are part of the road-map  http://www.go-evolution.org/Evo2.28 and
is being worked upon. But am not sure how many would be fixed for 2.28.

Thanks, Chenthill.
> b.
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