On Wed, 2009-07-22 at 12:08 +0100, Alpar Juttner wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-07-22 at 09:52 +0200, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > My beloved MUA 'mutt' has a function 'bounce-message' which allows to
> > remail a message to another user who will receive the message as I did, only
> > a few header lines like Resent-To: , Resent-From: and Resent-Date: are
> > added which identifies the mail as a bounce?
> I was always curious what is the use of this. Tell me please.
> Alpar
> P.S. It is not an offence. I'm indeed interested.

Without wanting to speak FOR the OP, in my circumstances its very useful
because I want to use one email as my 'central' email, while a few
others are specific usage. For example, I have a work email, if I can
set it up to 'bounce-message' to my own email, it appears with all the
right headers in my own email (offlineimap from Gmail, in my case,
accessed via Evo). So I can apply the same filters and such, also I can
access my mail in a single login, both on evo and online in gmail. When
replying, a few simple rules mean that I can automatically reply using
the correct SMTP server, or the correct reply-to header.

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