
I just update my laptop installing Ubuntu 9.04 amd64.

When I run for first time Evolution I try to recover my old emails from a
backup maked with Evolution present in Ubuntu 8.10, but I receipt this

ma...@mario-laptop:~$ evolution --component=mail

(evolution:17555): camel-WARNING **: camel_exception_get_id called
with NULL parameter.
em-migrate.c:3033:migrate_to_db: failed to get folder infos
em-migrate.c:3033:migrate_to_db: failed to get folder infos
em-migrate.c:3033:migrate_to_db: failed to get folder infos
em-migrate.c:3033:migrate_to_db: failed to get folder infos
addressbook_migrate (2.22.0)
** (evolution:17555): DEBUG: mailto URL command: evolution %s
** (evolution:17555): DEBUG: mailto URL program: evolution
** (evolution:17555): DEBUG: EI: SHELL STARTUP
** Message: First result 0
** Message: Second result 0
** Message: Sanity check result 1:0 0
** Message: evolution --force-shutdown
Cerrando evolution-exchange-storage (Backend de Calendario de Exchange
/ Backend de libreta de direcciones de Exchange de Evolution)
Cerrando evolution-data-server-2.26 (Soporte de calendario y webcal de
Evolution / Soporte de libretas de direcciones en archivo local de
Cerrando evolution-alarm-notify (Servicio de notificación por alerta
del Calendario de Evolution)
** Message: mv /home/mario/.evolution/ /home/mario/.evolution-old/
** Message: mv /home/mario/.camel_certs ~/.camel_certs_old
** Message: cd /home/mario && gzip -cd
'/home/mario/Downloads/evolution-backup-20081024.tar.gz'| tar xf -
** Message: gconftool-2 --load /home/mario/.evolution/backup-restore-gconf.xml
** Message: rm -rf /home/mario/.evolution/backup-restore-gconf.xml
** Message: rm -rf /home/mario/.evolution-old/
** Message: rm -rf /home/mario/.camel_certs_old
** Message: rm /home/mario/.evolution/.running
rm: no se puede borrar «/home/mario/.evolution/.running»: No existe el
fichero ó directorio
** Message: evolution
(evolution:17888): camel-WARNING **: camel_exception_get_id called
with NULL parameter.

(evolution:17888): camel-WARNING **: Cannot load summary file:
'/home/mario/.evolution/mail/local/Spe.ev-summary': No existe el
fichero ó directorio

GLib-ERROR **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.20.1/glib/gmem.c:136: failed to
allocate 8084107592 bytes

the file Spe.ev-summary are present in that location.

Any idea?
Saludos / Best regards

Mario Lacunza
Software Architect - Webmaster

Website: http://www.lacunza.biz
Email: mlacunza [AT] gmail [DOT] com
Lima - Peru
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