On Tue, 2009-02-10 at 11:58 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-02-09 at 19:56 -0800, Ski Kacoroski wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Is there any way to set up automated expunging to expunge all deleted
> > emails that are older than 1 month, 2 months, etc. instead of having it
> > expunge all deleted emails once a week, once a month, etc.  Usually
> > after an email has been deleted for a month, I no longer need it, but
> > now if I set up auto expunge each month, when it runs it expunges all
> > deleted emails regardless of when they were deleted.
> Short answer: not easily.
> Longer answer: there are two issues here. Firstly, Evo has no mechanism
> for time-based triggers so in any case you'd have to do it via a script
> outside of Evo. However this could be done in principle. Perhaps it
> could also be done with a plugin, I'm not sure.
> More importantly, IMAP Expunge works on an entire folder (or 'mailbox'
> in IMAP terminology) at a time. You can't expunge an individual message.
> Thus you can't select what to zap and what to leave based only on their
> ages. You'd need to sort candidate messages into some special
> 'death-row' folder and then expunge that. However that actually make the
> problem worse, given that IMAP has no 'move' operation. It would have to
> copy the message and then delete the original. But that leaves us back
> where we started ...
> I think MUAs that allow this do it by not following the IMAP deletion
> model i.e. they support a physical Trash folder rather than Evo's
> virtual Trash. That would make it possible, but at the cost of a fairly
> radical change to Evo and a loss of efficiency at the server end.
> poc


Thanks for the detailed answer.  So it looks like if I really want this
functionality, I should create a script that does it off line with IMAP
copy and moves.  Ugh!  At least I know why evolution does not support

"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it
 connected to the entire universe"            John Muir

Chris "Ski" Kacoroski, kacoro...@gmail.com, 206-501-9803
or ski98033 on most IM services

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