On Mon, 2009-01-19 at 09:39 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-01-19 at 14:52 +0100, William John Murray wrote:
> > I posted a few days ago, asking how to make a junk folder.
> > http://mail.gnome.org/archives/evolution-list/2009-January/msg00104.html
> >   Now my life has got worse. I have junk filtering turned off in 
> >   Edit -> Preferences -> Mail Preferences -> Junk   
> >                 [All 3 of the top boxes are empty]
> >    and also in
> >   Edit -> Preferences -> Mail Accounts -> Edit -> Receiving Options 
> >    All the bottom 3 check boxes are empty, and the very last is grayed
> > out.
> > 
> > 
> >   but my emails just softly disappeared from my inbox again. As I cannot
> > see my junk folder this is Very Bad (TM)
> >    Can no one help? Does 5 years as a user end have to end like this?
> > Because this is not a way to work.
> Some questions, in no particular order:
> Is your mail server (or ISP) running a Junk filter? You seem to be using
> something called iCritical, which appears to be a virus and spam filter.
Yes, but that isn't the problem. [Well, not so bad]. Becasue...
> Are you running some other client in parallel to Evo?
   I would not say in parallel. I used the OWA web mail a bit in the
last week or two since this problem hit. I can see emails in there which
evolution hides. I also tried thunderbird and see the same enlarged
> Are you using POP or IMAP? If it's IMAP, what do you see when you look
> at the the inbox with a different client, e.g. Thunderbird?
   IMAP. See above
> Before disabling your Junk filter, which one were you using? If it was
> Spamassassin, this has been known to leave "spamd" processes lying
> around even after Evo terminates. Do a "pgrep -fl spamd" to check.
       It was actually bogofilter
> And last but not least: what version of Evo do you have?
    2.24.2 (From Fedora 10 standard latest-version.)
    Ah yes - there was an update on the 12 and I report problems on the
15th. It was probably going from to which set it off.
Does that make it a Fedora issue? 
   It remains true - if I could ever see my junk at all this would not
be (much of) an issue. But it just disppears from view.
> poc
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