On Sun, 2009-01-18 at 19:56 +0100, Loïc Alejandro wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know how I can put the list of messages and the
> message preview the one next to the other like columns and not the one
> above the other.

View->Preview->Vertical View (older versions of Evo don't have this, but
you don't say what version you're using).

> Another question : is it the appropriate list for feature requests ?

Not really. It's fine if you want to discuss something, but to have a
request properly registered you need to post it to Bugzilla
(http://bugzilla.gnome.org) which means 1) creating an account (easy)
and 2) identifying which part of Gnome you want to enhance (since this
BZ is for all of Gnome, not just Evo).

> Do I have to write to this list in English, or can I do it in French ?

I'm afraid the list is strongly oriented to English. French-speaking
users will understand you but the rest will just be annoyed. Your
English certainly seems good enough from what we can tell :-)


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