Well, or you could be really daring and check out the trunk version from
http://svn.gnome.org/svn/evolution/trunk, compile it using the Makefile
at http://mad-scientist.us/Makefile., start the thing from gdb all the
time and report all those little bugs (with stacktraces) to
I've been doing this for the last few months, and it's working pretty


Am Sonntag, den 21.12.2008, 21:01 -0500 schrieb Jeff:
> You can't, unless you compile it yourself. Ubuntu doesn't provide
> updates other than bug fixes or security fixes after a stable release.
> The "normal" way to get evolution 2.24 is to use Ubuntu 8.10, unless
> there is a PPA (personal package archive) somewhere on launchpad, but
> this would certainly not be officially supported, I think. 
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