> More frequent updates, even immediate updates of status chagnes
> (reads/deletes) means less wierdness. 

No, it would just make the weirdness happen more often.

If on client A you delete a message, that change would be sync'd.
Client B, where the message hasn't been deleted, would then sync and
undelete the message.  So to get around that you need a read, compare,
write sequence - fine, but for how many messages?  You frequently hear
on this list of people having 10s of thousands of messages - any one of
which might have been deleted or read or whatever - so you have to do a
read/compare/write sequence for all the messages in all folders every
time - currently when evo starts up on my home machine, it takes about 2
or 3 minutes to do that for all my folders: that's not something I want
to happen very often!

> If we never wait to update the server, then we never have to worry "is
> this change newer than mine."

That sort of thing is OK when you have one or two users - but when you
have a thousand or so users, having them update on every action is not
kind to the server - I already get stressed with my users if they set
their "check for new mail" to anything less than every 5 minutes or so.


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