> However, I do have to say I feel Jimmy's pain a bit here.  It does seem
> like, if we can document the process to do this recovery in the FAQ we
> should be able to create some easier-to-use facility for doing it.  A
> shell script _at least_, if not something more integrated into
> Evolution.  Maybe a script that can be run to "bundle up" all the
> relevant info from the old system (having it be a script instead of/in
> addition to an option from a menu or something allows for it to be run
> in situations like Jimmy's, where you can't run Evolution anymore on the
> old environment), then an option on the Evo "Import" menu that would
> import that bundle.
> I honestly don't know enough about gconf etc. to understand how many of
> the steps (such as "shut down gconfd completely" etc.) are absolutely
> required and don't have a "nicer" way of implementation.

Er, couldn't we do it based on the current backup option?

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