On Wed, 2008-01-23 at 21:33 -0500, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-01-23 at 21:14 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > So the problem is somewhere in my Gconf or .evolution. Where do I
> > start looking?
> Aha!  The circle closes!
> OK, my suspicion is that it's a gconf issue.  I really dislike gconf: I
> can't believe after the disaster that is the Windows registry the Gnome
> folks thought it was a good idea to emulate it.  Text config files rule!

Totally agree. I can't stand it.

> Anyway.
> If you don't have a copy already, you need to get gconf-editor.  Fire it
> up.  On my Ubuntu box it doesn't install into the menu system (that I
> can find); run it from a terminal.
> Now, open up apps -> evolution -> mail -> junk.  I don't know what it
> should look like, but mine says:
>     check_incoming            <check>
>     default_plugin            Bogofilter
>     empty_date                        0
>     empty_on_exit             <not checked>
>     empty_on_exit_days                0
> Underneath that, I have "folders" for bogofilter and sa.  The bogofilter
> one says:
>     unicode                   <check>
> I'm not really sure what might be the problem here though.  What does
> yours look like?

Solved! the default_plugin was SpamAssassin, despite the fact that the
SA plugin was disabled and the GUI showed BF whenever I clicked on the
drop-down list. I edited it by hand to Bogofilter, restarted completely,
and it seems to be working (after about 5 seconds testing).

Many thanks for your help. I've no idea how this could have happened as
I'm not in the habit of editing Gconf by hand, but obviously something
messed with it out of sight.

Clearly some more consistency checking is required.


PS I also note that for the past few days Evo is starting up in offline
mode. I've no idea why and can't see anything in the GUI where one can
turn this off as it's very annoying (and it's not the desktop button
configuration). It's also insisting on checking all my IMAP folders for
new mail, even though that is explicitly turned off in the Preferences.
Maybe these are also errors in the Gconf data, but I don't know where to
change them.

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